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09:30 – 17:30 | |
2024-25 ուստարվա ընդունելություն ավագ դպրոցում
2024-25 ուստարվա ընդունելություն ավագ դպրոցում
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Northern University Foreign Relations Department is one of the structural subdivisions, which in its activity is guided by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, Northern University Charter, decisions of the Northern University administrative bodies, the Rector's orders. Foreign Relations Department’s main goal is to promote the University's integration into world scientific-educational processes and programs; formation, expansion and coordination of cooperation with the University and international academic institutions, foundations and international organizations in the field of international context.
The Department's current activity is carried out by the Head of the Department, who is assigned and fired by the Rector’s order.
- to organize negotiation processes with foreign educational institutions and research centers for signing contracts and agreements;
- to organize University participation activities in international round tables, conferences, seminars and discussions aimed at development of Foreign Relations department
- to support the process of organizing business trips for participation in conferences in foreign countries stemming from the University’s interest within the framework of international scientific-educational and exchange programs
- to provide information about Foreign Relations Department activities in the University website (Facebook page) and journal, as well as analysis and installation of information on Grant Programs
- to inform the University's subdivisions and students about international scientific-education programs, grants and applications for academic and scientific-educational scholarships offered by foreign universities
- to prepare the University's documentation for participation in new international grant programs and coordinate the implementation of already won grant projects’ ongoing works
- to provide the exchange of official documents and correspondence guaranteed by the head of the University’s relevant departments with the universities and research centers, which are parties to the international scientific-educational treaties.
Department Staff:
Arusyak Ivanyan
Head of the Department External Relations
- Participation in the development and implementation of the University's internationalization and external relations policy
- The development and implementation of experience exchange programs within the framework of international programs to strengthen international relations with foreign universities, international organizations and Embassies of foreign countries
- Coordination of Erasmus+ programs, coordination of incoming and outgoing mobility programs
- The development of Erasmus+ capacity development programs/participation in Erasmus+ capacity development programs, cooperation with University departments
- Coordination of informal foreign language programs
- Coordination of recruitment and admission of foreign students
- Organization and coordination of international conferences/trainings
- Searching for grants, preparation and implementation of programs
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +374 98965646
Kristine Yarmaloyan
Senior Specialist of the Departnemt of External Relationd
- Participation in the development and implementation of the policy of internationalization and external relations of the university.
- Participation in international relations with foreign universities, international organizations and Embassies of foreign countries.
- Recruitment of foreign students: communication with international personnal organizations and individuals, conclusion of contracts.
- Search for grants, preparation and implementation of programs.
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Phone: +374 94234026
Phone: (+374 10) 559776
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Northern University Public Relations Department provides information on University’s activities to external and internal stakeholders, carry out works on strengthening public relations and raising the University rating.
Department also implements following functions:
- publishes all the information concerning the university in the RA periodical press, online media, in the "Northern University" official journal and on ''’’ website.
- organizes advertising campaigns with various mass media, collects and analyzes university information, organizing further work on the basis of relevant analysis
- plans and controls the process of providing and sharing the information with mass media and other interested organizations.
- promotes the development of the University's printed means (brochures, information leaflets, official journal attachements, bulletins, etc.)
- makes videos about the University's activities, ensuring their dissemination.
- conducts regular surveys among stakeholders about the accessibility to the University’s information
Department Staff:
Head of Department Astghik Abrahamyan
Phone: (+374 10) 554135
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
NU Distance Learning and Technology Management Division coordinates the entire process of distance learning courses, electronic management, computer and system services organised at the University. The goals, objectives and functions of the Division correspond to the Strategic Development Plan of the University for 2020-2025.
The goals of the Division:
- To introduce and launch an innovative online educational process using educational information technologies in all study programmes and teaching forms of the University;
- To introduce an electronic system of university management and document circulation, contribute to the increase of the efficiency and transparency of the university management.
The objectives of the Division:
- Organisation and continuous improvement of the process of distance learning in accordance with the latest technologies;
- Implementation of the necessary tools for distance learning at the university and projects that contribute to the educational process;
- Development and implementation of a unified electronic information policy in the university management system;
- Providing maintenance, modernisation and development of the computer equipment network at the University;
- Software and content development of the University's official website.
Head of Division: Arpine Alexanyan
Senior specialist of the Division: Mariana Nikolyan
System administrator: Artyom Azaryan
Tel: (+374 10) 55 48 62
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Northern University Human resources department is a structural subdivision, which in its activity is guided by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, Northern University Charter, decisions of the Northern University administrative bodies, the Rector's orders.The Department's current activity is carried out by the Head of the Department, who is assigned and fired by the Rector’s order.
Elaboration and implementation of the University human resources management and development strategy. Providing documentation for the administrative, academic, scientific, and service personnel (hereinafter referred to as employees).
- Provision of University HR activities’ management.
- Compilement of staff, scientific and scientific-pedagogical reports of the employers.
- Archiving personal files of dismissed employees.
- Preparation of staff recruitment, dismissal, transfer, vacation leave and other draft orders and submission for the Rector's approval.
- Compilement of employee personal files and providing confidentiality of personal data.
- Compilement of labour and civil law contracts and submission for the Rector's approval.
- Compilement of contracts with students on the principles of study, fixed annual fee, payment order, charging principles and terms at the University and submission for the Rector's approval.
- Preparation and provision of required references to employees (about years of experience, retirement formation, getting scientific degree, academic rank, child care leave and so on).
- Monthly submit e-reports on staff recruitment, dismissal, position change, unpaid leave and child care leave to the state tax authority.
- Submit a report on the University licensing activities to the licensing body of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia.
- Annual statistical reporting compilement according to the positions, academic degree, academic rank, position status and submission the National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia.
- Submission of proposals on the University staffing policy improvement to the Rector.
Participation in the elaboration of the University organizational structure, staff list and internal legal acts related to the activities of the Department.
Tehmine Baghdasaryan
HR Department Head
Phone: (+374 10) 554056
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Northern University Accountancy Department is one of the structural subdivisions, which is guided by RA Legislation, legal acts, regulating accounting ( RA Law on Accounting, other laws concerning accounting, international accounting standards and other legal acts, regulating accounting). The Accountancy department organizes and administers the University's accounting activities and submits financial, tax, mandatory payments and statistical reports, calculations, declarations to the relevant authorities.
Shushanik Azoyan
chief accountant
Phone: (+37410)570910
Northern University Scientific Research, Innovative Programs and Postgraduate Professional Education Center is an independent structural subdivision of the University.
The aim of the Center is:
- Strengthening the role of scientific work as an important component of the University's activity, activation of scientific-research and scientific-methodological work implemented at the University, increasing their quality and effectiveness,
- Discovering the scientific and intellectual potential of the University academic staff, students its rational and targeted use, active involvement of this potential in scientific research and scientific-methodological work, implemented at the University
- More active involvement of various departments and divisions of the university in the organization of scientific work implementation at the university
- Providing interconnection between scientific-research, scientific-methodological and academic programs, introduction of the practical results of researches in the educational process
The objectives of the Center are:
- Activation of the University's scientific-research activities, ensuring targeted management of that activity, enhancing the quality and effectiveness of scientific research,
- Development, discussion and approval of current (annual) and perspective programs of the University scientific-research and scientific- methodological activities, organization of their practical implementation,
- Direction and coordination of the University Chairs’ scientific-research and scientific-methodological activities,
- Coordinating scientific research work of the Chairs, strengthening their scientific cooperation, enhancing interdisciplinary connections, organizing joint research of important scientific issues, initiating and implementing interdisciplinary research,
- rapprochement and interconnection of educational and research activities,
- identification and use of ways to increase the effectiveness of scientific research work,
- enhancing the practical orientation of scientific research, the commercialization and marketing of the research results, the introduction of a fund-raising principle of science at the university,
- Increasing the socio-economic effectiveness of scientific research activities,
- Finding grant programs and research organization
- Establishment and deepening of scientific cooperation with colleagues from foreign universities, research centers and other organizations,
- Organization of creative discussions on the most important and urgent problems of international, republican and inter-university conferences, symposiums, round tables, science and practice at the University, registration of the active participation of university professors, post-graduate students and students
- organization of creative discussions on the most important and urgent issues of science and practice, organization of international, republican and inter-university conferences, symposiums, round tables as well, ensuring active participation of the University academic staff, post-graduate students and students,
- Exemplary implementation of postgraduate professional education, improvement of educational programs, modernization and enrichment of education content, increasing the quality and effectiveness of the provided educational services, strengthening international and national university relations in the field of post-graduate vocational education and development of cooperation.
The Alumni and Career Center is an independent structural subdivision of Northern University, the main aim of which is to contribute to the development of University students’ and graduates’ competitiveness in the labor market, to strengthen the permanent relationship and cooperation between the graduates and the University, and to regulate the links between the University and employers.
The Center's functions are following:
- Identification and analysis of strategic and organizational issues related to the employment of the University students and alumni, preparation and presentation of the relevant programs to the Rector of Northern University, and participation in the implementation of these programs as well,
- Organization of cooperation with public and private organizations dealing with employment issues in public and private sectors, as well as with various foundations, international donor institutions and with other organizations,
- Development of proposals, programs and implementation of relevant activities on voluntary work, trainings and other modern forms and means of obtaining experience,
- organization of various exhibitions (namely, "job fair", "career day" etc.), meetings with employers, organizations’ presentation, enterprises excursions mutual visits and other events
- Signing agreements and memorandums with potential employers, different organizations, ensuring their implementation,
- Organization of sociological surveys and other studies on the prior demands of the state, private, international and other employer organizations and on their development trends, prospects of labor market development, the demand of the students in the labor market, current professions and other employment-related issues among alumni and students,
- Presentations of reports and recommendations in accordance with the Rectorate and the Scientific Council of Northern University,
- Analysis of the information on the activities carried out by the faculties, chairs and other subdivisions of Northern University, as well as dealing with the center's issues, development of commonly-coordinated approaches and programs,
- Organization of meetings and roundtables for graduates and students, as well as alumni gatherings.
Administrative staff:
Kristine Gevorgyan
Head of the Alumni and Career Center
E-mail:՝ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel:. ՝ (+374 10) 554862
Quality Assurance Department
The Quality Assurance Department is an independent structural subdivision of the University. The mission of the department is to support the University's quality assurance culture, introduction of a comprehensive quality management system, to provide oversight, assessment and improvement mechanisms for the implementation of strategic priorities of the university, and to promote quality improvement of professional education.
Department’s Objectives:
- Creation of prerequisites for passing to total quality assurance system, formation of local quality assurance structures at the University’s subdivisions/faculties, chairs/,
- Ensure the introduction and implementation of innovative technologies in quality management,
- Effective control of implementation of University mission and strategic purposes, continuous monitoring of ongoing processes, formation of mechanisms and tools of evaluation, establishment of improvement programs,
- Market-oriented PAP formation, their compliance with similar programs, student mobility, formation of effective mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating student mobility,
- Establishment of effective mechanisms of research and innovative programs development, evaluation and review.
- Creation of tools for development of external relations and internationalization and monitoring and evaluation processes,
- Providing accountability about the University activity
- Providing cooperation with external evaluation bodies
- Coordination of institutional and program self-evaluation works of the University, support to external assessment and accreditation processes.
Working Staff:
Head of Department: Susanna Avagyan
Department Specialist: Ani Aleksanyan
Junior specialist: Lilit Khechumyan
Tel.: (+374 10) 554056
E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Academic Department
Northern University Education Department is an independent structural subdivision.
The University Education Department includes:
a) Educational-methodological department
b) Internship Department
Issues and functions of the University Education Department:
- Study and analysis of normative documents and methodological guidelines of higher education
- Planning and organization of educational process in two-cycle system (full-time and part-time)
- Creating and developing curricula appropriate to new specialties and standards
- Organization of work on developing, approving , systematic upgrading and modernizing of subject syllabus taught at the University
- Assistance in defining the academic load and implementing lessons classification by the chairs
- Assistance in designing timetable of academic studies for each semester, which is done by deans
- Summary and analysis of examinations results during every semester
- Forming and supervising the schedule of students’ knowledge quality intermediate control
- Supervision of the University another branch and departments works, ensuring unified system
- Analysis of the level of educational-methodological literature of the educational process and presentation of the University management recommendation in that direction
- Ensuring continuous information on the activities of the University on its website
- Organizes the educational, industrial, and final internships of the University students in accordance with the "Regulation on Organizing Professional Practice of Students"
- Makes improvements in the internship programs of the taught specialties at the University, and regulates necessary documents.
Tel: (+374 10) 552139
Raya Janinyan
Vice-Rector for Admissions and Finance
Tel: (+37410) 57 33 17
Lusine Fljyan
Vice-Rector for Education, Research and Internalisation
Tel: (+37410) 55 97 76
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mantash Makichyan
Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs
Tel: (+37410) 55 97 76