



Նոյեմբերի 22-ին, ժամը 11։00-ին Հյուսիսային համալսարանի իրավաբանական կլինիկայի և <<Իրազեկ և պաշտպանված սպառող>> ՀԿ-ի նախաձեռնությամբ կկազմակերպվի բաց դասախոսություն՝ «Սպառողների իրավունքների պաշտպանությունն ու համակարգի ամբողջականությունը» թեմայով։
Դասախոսությունը կվարի «Իրազեկ և պաշտպանված սպառող» ՀԿ-ի նախագահ Բաբկեն Պիպոյանը:

Informational letter

Dear colleagues

 You are invited to take part in the international scientific conference on the occasion of 150th  anniversary of the classic writer  of Armenian literature Hovhannes Tumanyan (1869-1923) held at Northern University of Yerevan on April 17-18, 2019.

The headline  of the conference is “The spiritual heritage and modernity of Hovhannes Tumanyan ".

The aim  of the conference is the  deep comprehension  of the  the rich and multifaceted literary  heritage of the outstanding representative of the Armenian classical literature, “The Poet of All Armenians ” Hovhannes Tumanyan, as well as the discovery of the wide coverage of various sides and layers of his works, together with  the modernity and eternal value of the spiritual heritage of the great thinker. The conference will  promote the spread and popularization of  the literary heritage of Tumanyan, expand the creative horizons and enrich the inner world of young generation. It will also serve to shape the patriotic and humanitarian image of youth, develop an active civic position, and affirm the ideals of justice, kindness and optimism.

The opening of the conference will take place on April 17, at 12 o'clock local time in the conference hall of Northern University of Yerevan.

Interested candidates can present their reports personally or send electronic versions. The content and the title of the report should correspond to the general theme of the conference.

Please inform the organizing committee about the participation of the conference till March 31, according to the attached annex, indicating the subject of the report for including  in the conference program.

Electronic versions of reports (up to 8 pages, A4 format, 2 cm fields from all sides, 1.5 pt interval between lines, font Sylfaen 12pt, links on each page, summaries and keywords in Armenian, Russian and English) should be submitted up to April 10.

After the conference, the materials will be published with separate compilation and will be send to the participants.

No participation and publishing materials  fee is required.

For more information contact:

tel .: (+374 10) 55-40-52, (+374 10) 57-84-88, (+374 10) 55-97-76, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rector's Office of Yerevan Northern University

Conference Organizing Committee




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